07 April 2021
COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) 2021: Application Materials now available
The Global Fund is publishing application materials and technical information notes to support eligible applicants of the COVID-19 Response Mechanism, C19RM, prepare funding requests. -
12 March 2021
Preparing Funding Requests for C19RM in 2021
15 January 2021
2020 Applicant Survey Shows High-Level of Satisfaction with Global Fund’s Application Process
982 individuals responded to the Global Fund Applicant Survey in 2020. An overwhelming majority of applicants (nearly 95%) were positive about their overall experience applying for Global Fund financing. -
04 November 2020
Removing Human Rights Barriers to Health: Findings and Lessons
Programs to remove human rights barriers to HIV, TB and malaria services are essential to increasing the effectiveness of Global Fund grants. Such programs help to ensure health services reach those most affected by the three diseases. The Global Fun... -
29 September 2020
Ethics Resources for Country Coordinating Mechanisms: New E-Learning Course
To support Country Coordinating Mechanisms in following the highest standards of ethics and integrity, the Global Fund has launched a new e-learning course. -
20 August 2020
E-Learning Course on Phishing: Business E-mail Compromise
The scale and intensity of cyber-attacks and fraudulent financial transactions are growing fast in the current COVID-19 crisis. The Global Fund is making available an online Phishing Training course to be taken by all PR; SR and CCM staff involved in...