16 October 2023
Operational Update on GC7 Tools, C19RM Updates, Dual-AI Nets, Updated Resources
In this update we are providing links to a range of new and updated resources for funding request development, grant-making and C19RM. -
16 October 2023
Grant-making in Grant Cycle 7: Resources
The grant-making section on the Global Fund website has been updated and consolidates resources for in-country partners for Grant Cyle 7. -
16 October 2023
Applying for Funding: Updated Materials
The following resources relating to the 2023-2025 funding cycle have been updated to reflect recommendations made by the Technical Review Panel (TRP) during Window 2. -
11 October 2023
Accelerating the Introduction of New Nets Through Global Fund Grants
To accelerate access to the newest and most effective tools to fight malaria, the Global Fund is taking steps to introduce and scale up dual-active ingredient nets. -
07 July 2023
Webinar Series on Community Health
Community health is essential to eliminate HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, and prepare for and respond to new pandemics. Communities are at the center of the new Global Fund Strategy (2023-2028), which prioritizes the development and integration of ef... -
30 June 2023
Updates to Principal Recipient Reporting
Principal Recipient (PR) reporting forms – Progress Updates and Pulse Checks – have been updated to reduce reporting requirements and further support PRs, when the submission of forms coincides.