Operational Policy
Requirements for operational policies and procedures are differentiated based on portfolio category [ download in English ] (High Impact, Core and Focused).
The Global Fund’s Operational Policy Notes (OPNs) and Operational Procedures provide guidance on grant life cycle processes for Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Principal Recipients, Local Fund Agents, relevant implementing partners and Global Fund Secretariat staff.
The OPNs define key principles, rules and requirements and associated grant deliverables. The internally-focused Operational Procedures operationalize policy rules and requirements.
The Operational Policy Manual [ download in English ] contains the complete set of OPNs. Global Fund processes evolve and adapt, and changes are communicated accordingly.
download in English
Operational Policy Notes
Funding Requests and Grant-making
Design and Review of Funding Requests (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle)
download in EnglishDesign and Review of Funding Requests (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle) -
Make, Approve and Sign Grants
download in EnglishMake, Approve and Sign Grants -
Strategic Initiatives Design, Approval, Implementation and Closure
download in EnglishStrategic Initiatives Design, Approval, Implementation and Closure -
Challenging Operating Environments (COEs)
download in EnglishChallenging Operating Environments (COEs) -
Additional Safeguards Policy
download in EnglishAdditional Safeguards Policy -
Country Coordinating Mechanism Funding Policy
download in EnglishCountry Coordinating Mechanism Funding Policy -
download in EnglishCo-financing -
Blended Finance and Joint Investments
download in EnglishBlended Finance and Joint Investments -
Grant Entity Data
download in EnglishGrant Entity Data
Design and Review of Funding Requests (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle)
Grant Implementation
Implementing the Quality Assurance Policies for Pharmaceutical, Diagnostics and Other Health Products
download in EnglishImplementing the Quality Assurance Policies for Pharmaceutical, Diagnostics and Other Health Products -
Annual Funding Decisions and Disbursements
download in EnglishAnnual Funding Decisions and Disbursements -
Revise Grants
download in EnglishRevise Grants -
Pooled Procurement Mechanism
download in EnglishPooled Procurement Mechanism -
Oversee Implementation and Monitor Performance
download in EnglishOversee Implementation and Monitor Performance -
Supplier Misconduct
download in EnglishSupplier Misconduct -
Country Risk Management
download in EnglishCountry Risk Management -
Portfolio Optimization
download in EnglishPortfolio Optimization
Implementing the Quality Assurance Policies for Pharmaceutical, Diagnostics and Other Health Products
Grant Closure
Grant Closure
download in EnglishGrant Closure
Grant Closure
Operational Procedures
Funding Requests and Grant-making
Operational Procedures on Design and Review of Funding Requests (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle)
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Design and Review of Funding Requests (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle) -
Operational Procedures on Grant Entity Data
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Grant Entity Data -
Operational Procedures on Make, Approve and Sign Grants (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle)
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Make, Approve and Sign Grants (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle)
Operational Procedures on Design and Review of Funding Requests (2023-2025 Allocation Cycle)
Grant Implementation
Operational Procedures on Annual Funding Decisions and Disbursements
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Annual Funding Decisions and Disbursements -
Operational Procedures on Country Risk Management
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Country Risk Management -
Operational Procedures on Oversee Implementation and Monitor Performance
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Oversee Implementation and Monitor Performance -
Operational Procedures on Pooled Procurement Mechanism
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Pooled Procurement Mechanism -
Operational Procedures on Portfolio Optimization
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Portfolio Optimization -
Operational Procedures on Revise Grants
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Revise Grants
Operational Procedures on Annual Funding Decisions and Disbursements
Grant Closure
Operational Procedures on Reconcile Implementation Periods and Close Grants (for 2014-2016 allocation period and thereafter)
download in EnglishOperational Procedures on Reconcile Implementation Periods and Close Grants (for 2014-2016 allocation period and thereafter)
Operational Procedures on Reconcile Implementation Periods and Close Grants (for 2014-2016 allocation period and thereafter)
Guidelines for Annual Audit of Global Fund Grants
download in EnglishGuidelines for Annual Audit of Global Fund Grants EspañolDirectrices para las auditorías anuales de subvenciones del Fondo Mundial FrançaisDirectives sur les audits annuels des subventions du Fonds mondial -
Guidelines for Fixed Assets Management
download in EnglishGuidelines for Fixed Assets Management EspañolDirectrices para la Gestión de Activos Fijos FrançaisDirectives concernant la gestion des actifs immobilisés PortuguêsDiretrizes para Gestão de Ativos Fixos -
Guidelines for Grant Budgeting
download in EnglishGuidelines for Grant Budgeting EspañolDirectrices para la preparación de presupuestos de subvenciones FrançaisDirectives pour l’établissement des budgets des subventions -
Guidelines on the Emergency Fund Special Initiative
download in EnglishGuidelines on the Emergency Fund Special Initiative EspañolDirectrices sobre la Iniciativa Estratégica del Fondo de Emergencia FrançaisDirectives sur l’initiative stratégique du Fonds d’urgence
Guidelines for Annual Audit of Global Fund Grants