11 June 2021
C19RM: Key Health Product Management Updates
10 June 2021
New Window for C19RM Funding Requests
Responding to a request from applicants and partners, the Secretariat has now opened an additional window for submissions on Friday 16 July 2021. -
10 June 2021
Considering Pressure Swing Adsorption Plants Repairs and Refurbishment in C19RM Funding Request Investments
Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) repairs and refurbishment should be considered as additional oxygen investment options in C19RM Funding Requests. -
07 June 2021
Operational Assessment Tool for Applicants Including Oxygen Investments in C19RM Funding Requests
01 June 2021
Technical Note on Leveraging COVID-19 Response Mechanism Investments for Geographic Information Systems
In support to the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM), WHO and UNICEF have issued a technical information note on leveraging C19RM funds to invest in geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial data with the aim of optimizing natio... -
01 June 2021
Ensuring Complete Submissions of C19RM Funding Requests: Screening Checklist
To support CCMs in the submission of fully complete C19RM Funding Requests, the Global Fund Secretariat is facilitating a Screening Checklist of documents.