01 July 2021
Important Updates on C19RM Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products
The following documents have been updated and applicants to C19RM are requested to review them when preparing their funding request submissions. -
01 July 2021
New C19RM Submission Window: 17 September 2021
The COVID-19 Response Mechanism, C19RM, continues to be a funding opportunity to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. In recognition of exceptional circumstances that some countries are facing, the Global Fund Secretariat is opening a new window on 17 ... -
18 June 2021
Optimizing Use of Ag RDTs in national COVID-19 testing strategies and C19RM Applications
Effective testing for SARS-COV-2 remains a vital part of a national strategy to suppress virus transmission and save lives. Boosting testing through higher and more effective Ag RDT use as part of this strategy is strongly encouraged. -
18 June 2021
Updated C19RM Guidelines: New Assurance Section
The updated C19RM Guidelines cover the end-to-end process of C19RM from funding request stage until grant closure, and apply to all applicants and Principal Recipients. The document has been updated to include a differentiated C19RM assurance framewo... -
11 June 2021
Webinar for Financial Management Professionals on the COVID-19 Response: Vaccine, Finances, Risks and Innovation
The International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management (ICGFM), the World Bank, Gavi, and the Global Fund are jointly hosting a webinar on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 from 15:00 to 17:00 CEST to discuss different perspectives on the vaccine deli... -
11 June 2021
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Reminders for Applicants of C19RM Funding
As outlined in the Health Product Segmentation Framework (English | Español | Français), COVID-19-specific PPE is considered Optimal, while non-COVID-19 PPE is designated as Limited Use/Specialized. The latter is primarily for PPE use (for example, c...