21 March 2022
Operational Update: World TB Day, Principal Recipient Reporting, COVID-19 Self-testing Survey and More
In the year of its 20th anniversary, the Global Fund continues to support implementing countries in the fight against the three diseases and COVID-19, in strengthening sustainable systems for health and preparing for future pandemics. -
18 March 2022
COVID-19 Self-Testing: Survey
The Global Fund is seeking information on the readiness and use of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detection rapid diagnostic tests for COVID-19 self-testing in countries implementing Global Fund-supported programs. -
17 March 2022
Update on the RTS,S Malaria Vaccine
The Global Fund’s malaria Strategic Initiative, alongside Gavi and Unitaid, continues to fund the Malaria Vaccine implementation program to generate further evidence on the RTS,S vaccine’s impact, safety, and feasibility over the next two years. -
04 March 2022
Introducing Project STELLAR
23 February 2022
Revised Progress Update and Disbursement Requests (PU/DR) and Performance Ratings
The Global Fund has launched its revised Progress Update and Disbursement Request (PU/DR), a form that allows Principal Recipients to report on progress made on grants funded by the Global Fund. -
20 January 2022
COVID-19 Response in the Philippines
The Philippines has been severely affected by COVID-19. According to latest WHO figures, as of 17 January 2022, the Philippines had recorded over 3 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 with over 52,700 deaths. Since March 2020, the country has taken s...