Operational Update on Latest Resources From the Global Fund
This edition of the operational update contains the following resources for our in-country partners:
- For PRs: new guidelines and information session. Guidelines on sub-recipient and supplier integrity due diligence [ download in English | Español | Français ] that define key principles and minimum standards for integrity due diligence when engaging with Sub-recipients and suppliers. Principal Recipients are invited to participate in a dedicated information session on 16 July.
- For CCMs: new briefing note on protection from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment [ download in English | Español | Français | Português ] designed to support members of Country Coordinating Mechanisms in case of allegations of sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment.
- Oxygen: new Project BOXER technical documents available on this page. Project Boxer is a Global Fund initiative that supports implementation of medical oxygen, respiratory care and therapeutics programs through C19RM funding.
- New web page on community health workers.
- Latest edition of the TB Quarterly Update [ download in English | Français ] published in May 2024.
In addition, we invite in-country partners to participate in:
- Information sessions on Principal Recipients reporting and Sub-recipient and supplier integrity due diligence.
- Grant-making surveys (for CCMs and PRs of portfolios that completed grant-making and are ready to implement).
Finally, the Operational Update calls for your participation on identifying success investment stories in view of the next Global Fund replenishment, feedback on a new microsite for in-country partners and a survey. See the full Operational Update [ download in English | Español | Français ] for more details.