Grant-making in Grant Cycle 7: Resources
The grant-making section on the Global Fund website has been updated and consolidates resources for in-country partners for Grant Cyle 7. New or updated resources include:
- The Principal Recipient Handbook for Grant-making (August 2023), which outlines responsibilities and key considerations for this stage of the cycle and guides PRs through the different steps of grant-making.
- An e-learning module (July 2023) that provides an end-to-end overview of grant-making and is particularly helpful for new colleagues or those new to grant-making. Available on iLearn in English, French and Spanish.
- The Partner Portal guidance (May 2023): PRs use the Global Fund Partner Portal to view the progress of grant-making, download documents and forms shared by the Global Fund, submit final grant documents and manage Grant Entity Data.
- The Partner Portal Guide [ download in English | Español | Français ] details how PRs can access and carry out key actions.
- New Partner Portal demonstrations show how to download, attach and submit grant-making documents.
- A grant-making video for GC7 that summarizes key changes for this cycle and explains how PRs and other in-country partners collaborate to design a quality, implementation-ready grant. Available in English. French and Spanish forthcoming.
- A grant-making survey: PRs and CCMs that have recently participated in grant-making will shortly receive an invitation to take a confidential survey to help the Global Fund improve grant-making for Grant Cycle 8.