Updated Health Product Management Template
The Health Product Management Template [ download in multiple languages ] (HPMT) has been updated for the 2023-2025 allocation period. The updated version replaces the template used in the 2020-2022 allocation period. The HMPT is available in French and Spanish, and is accompanied by step-by-step guidance providing background information and explaining the different functionalities in the template to manage health products in Global Fund grants.
- Health Product Management Template
download in multiple languages - HPMT User Guidelines
download in English | Español | Français - HPMT User Guidelines Annex
download in English
The HPMT is a grant document that captures information about the procurement and supply management of health products under a Global Fund grant. The HPMT is a product of various activities and processes that must be finalized in-country prior to the HPMT being filled and submitted.