Operational Update: Fight for What Counts
The Global Fund issued an Operational Update for Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Principal Recipients and Local Fund Agents with information on its upcoming Seventh Replenishment Conference and #FightForWhatCounts campaign. The conference is taking place in New York City on 18-19 September 2022, hosted by President Biden and the US Government.
The update also included:
- New financial management requirement for implementing partners. To strengthen financial management of funds, Principal Recipients (PRs) are now required to demonstrate broader controls on designated bank accounts maintained by key sub-recipients (SRs).Read more [ download in English | Español | Français ] .
- New Technical Review Panel Observations Report. The Technical Review Panel (TRP) recently released the 2020-2022 Observations Report [ download in English | Español | Français ] . It presents recommendations and lessons learned from past allocation period to inform applicants’ funding requests in 2023-2025. CCMs, Regional Coordinating Mechanisms and/or Regional Organizations are encouraged to incorporate recommendations presented in the report into upcoming funding request development.