Operational Update: World TB Day, Principal Recipient Reporting, COVID-19 Self-testing Survey and More
Operational Update on Project STELLAR, COVID-19 Self-Testing Survey, Principal Recipient Reporting, RTS,S Malaria Vaccine, and Global Health Supply Chain Dialogue
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Welcome to the first Operational Update of 2022.
In the year of its 20th anniversary, the Global Fund continues to support implementing countries in the fight against the three diseases and COVID-19, in strengthening sustainable systems for health and preparing for future pandemics.
In this issue we will be commemorating World TB Day, and bring you other TB news through the Tuberculosis (TB) Quarterly Update [ download in English | Français ] . This year’s campaign, “Invest to End TB. Save Lives” highlights the urgent need to scale up the fight against TB and regain ground lost during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This issue also includes news on a COVID-19 self-testing survey, how Project STELLAR will support selected countries with scaling-up COVID-19 testing, and an update on support to implementing countries to introduce the new malaria vaccine.
In addition, we remind Principal Recipients of reporting deadlines and include resources to support timely completion of PU/DRs and Pulse Checks.
Following the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Preparatory Meeting co-hosted by the presidents of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa in February, we launched our replenishment campaign aimed at mobilizing at least US$18 billion for the 2023-2025 funding cycle. Implementing countries will continue to play a key role in showing how Global Fund investments are having an impact in the lives of those we serve. We will be sharing updates in the coming months on how implementing countries can support Global Fund replenishment efforts.
In the next issue of the Operational Update, we will share information on the new Global Fund Strategy (2023-2028) “Fighting Pandemics and Building a Healthier and More Equitable World”. The new Strategy sets us all on the path to accelerate impact towards the 2030 horizon, to end AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, with better, more equitable health for all. The new Strategy can be downloaded here [ download in عربي | English | Español | Français | Português | Русский ] .
We thank you for your commitment in the fight against the three diseases and look forward to continuing to work together in 2022.