Update on New Tools: Pulse Checks and Spot Checks

Operational Update on Pulse Checks, Spot Checks, Progress Reporting, Global Fund Satisfaction Survey, Quality Assurance Policies on COVID-19 Products and other updates
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The new Supply Chain and Health Services Spot Checks and Pulse Checks will allow for more frequent reporting to the Global Fund and its Board and serve as a mechanism to support Principal Recipients in identifying implementation bottlenecks and course correct as needed. It is mandatory to complete these tools and note that they do not inform grant rating.

A list of tools and their descriptions are included in the Operational Update linked above.

Supply Chain and Health Services Spot Checks

The “Spot Checks” will only be run in 45 countriesdownload in English ] that have received a COVID-19 Response Mechanism allocation higher than US$20 million. Principal Recipients do not need to complete “Spot Checks” if their country is not listed.

Pulse Checks

The "Pulse Checks" will only be run in High Impact and Core portfolios.* Principal Recipients will start to receive Pulse Checks as of 4 October 2021 through the Global Fund Partner Portal and will have until 5 November 2021 to complete and submit them. Principal Recipients that have not yet submitted Grant Entity Data (GED) contact information need to do so as soon as possible to be able to access and submit the Pulse Checks.

Check the Operational Update in the link above for details. Links to recordings and presentations from information sessions held are also available.

See the page on Grant Implementation and the update on New Global Fund Tools to Oversee Grant Investments for more information.