Accelerating the Introduction of New Nets Through Global Fund Grants

Acelerar la introducción de nuevos mosquiteros gracias a las subvenciones del Fondo Mundial
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To accelerate access to the newest and most effective tools to fight malaria, the Global Fund is taking steps to introduce and scale up dual-active ingredient nets.

These new nets were strongly recommended by the WHO in March 2023 and they are critical to fighting insecticide resistance. They have demonstrated significantly increased effectiveness in areas with pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors. Robust studies in Benin and Tanzania have shown that households using these nets reduced the number of malaria cases in children by around half compared to households that use standard nets.

The Global Fund is working to secure sustainable pricing and shorter lead times on four of the most commonly used sizes and colors of dual-active ingredients nets, with standard accessories and packaging. These are comparable in price to pyrethroid-piperonyl butoxide (pyrethroid-PBO).

To benefit from these prices and shorter lead times, the Global Fund strongly encourages implementing countries to adopt one of these four standard nets specifications as described in the relevant technical briefing note. Prices per net for a different size-color combination with customized packaging are expected to be on average 15 to 20% (US$0.40 – US$0.50) higher and could reach US$1 per net in some cases. They will have longer lead times of around an additional two months or more.

The aim of this effort is to maximize the impact of malaria investments. Efficiencies generated by these prices and accelerated lead times will enable further scale up of the new effective nets, or financing of other highly impactful malaria prevention and treatment interventions to reach more pregnant women, children and affected families.

As an example, a country with a high burden of malaria has recently benefited from the new nets and specifications, and generated efficiencies worth almost US$7 million. This funding was used to further expand vector control interventions to protect families and prevent new malaria cases. It also supported seasonal malaria prevention in additional districts to protect children that would have otherwise not been reached.

Considering the above, ordering dual-active ingredients nets in the four common sizes/color combinations strengthens the value for money of malaria investments. Given the highly constrained malaria budgets, implementing partners considering alternative specifications for dual active ingredient nets will need to submit a request with solid evidence-based rationale and undergo a supplementary review by the Global Fund before it can be approved by senior management, on an exceptional basis.

For a copy of the technical briefing note please contact your Global Fund Country Team.