Operational Update on GC7 Grant-making and C19RM Information Session
GC7 Grant-making and C19RM Information Session - Operational Update
download in English | Español | Français
Grant-making in GC7
To support in-country partners prepare their grants, the Global Fund held grant-making information sessions in March 2023. The presentations, session recordings and demos in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese are now available on the Global Fund website.
C19RM Information Session
Portfolio Optimization Wave 2
To support eligible applicants with their C19RM funding requests, the Global Fund hosted an information session on Wednesday, 5 April 2023. The objective of the session was to go through the C19RM application process for additional funding, discuss priority technical areas and respond to questions.
COVID-19 Response Mechanism – Portfolio Optimization Wave 2 (5 April 2023)
- Presentation
download in English | Español | Français | Português - Recording: English | French | Spanish | Portuguese
The session was held in English, with live interpretation in French, Spanish and Portuguese. The recording is posted to YouTube and on the Global Fund website. By joining these sessions, participants agreed to sharing their personal data on these resources.
For more information, please refer to the Operational Update on C19RM Funding, GC7 Grant-making and E-learning Courses.