Operational Update on C19RM Funding, GC7 Grant-making and E-learning Courses
C19RM Funding, GC7 Grant-making and E-learning Courses - Operational Update
download in English | Español | Français
Materials to support eligible applicants with their C19RM funding requests are now available, including the C19RM funding request form [ download in English | Español | Français ] , the C19RM Technical Information Note [ download in English | Español | Français ] and the C19RM Modular Framework [ download in English ] . Applicants can submit their applications on a rolling basis until 12 May 2023, indicating if they would like to be considered for funding from the new Pandemic Fund. Note that the deadline for submissions of 20 March was cancelled.
For more information please see:
- C19RM Application Materials and Guidance page (English).
- Operational Update on GC7, Strengthening Systems for Health and Pandemic Preparedness, and the New Pandemic Fund (download in English | Español | Français) – 10 February 2023.
- Web update on Additional Funding from C19RM and the New Pandemic Fund (English) – 9 February 2023.
- Web update on New Funding to Strengthen Health Systems and Pandemic Preparedness (English) – 9 February 2023.
- Web update on C19RM Extension, Reinvestments and Portfolio Optimization (English | French) – 6 December 2022.
An information session to explain the C19RM application process for additional funding, go through priority technical areas and respond to questions will be held at the end of March.
Please contact your Fund Portfolio Manager at the Global Fund if you have questions.