End of Year Message

End of Year Operational Update
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Dear colleagues,

As we get ready to close the year, I would like to bring you some updates and some reflections, but above all, I would like to thank you for the tremendous amount of effort your countries have made for global health this year.

It hasn’t been easy to fight the three diseases in the midst of a global pandemic, that we also had to address. COVID-19 has been shifting and demanding us to adapt quickly to respond but has given us incredible opportunities to prepare for future pandemics.

In this update, you will find information on decisions that the Global Fund Board made at its 48th meeting last month in Geneva (all decisions can be found on the Global Fund website), as follows:

  • Seventh Replenishment funding to be allocated to implementing countries has been approved for a total of US$13.128 billion. CCMs will be receiving allocation letters towards the end of December.
  • The COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) has been extended and funds can be awarded until 30 June 2023, with the flexibility to continue C19RM portfolio optimization as needed. Implementation and use of these funds can be done until 31 December 2025. This extension presents an important opportunity to shift focus to strengthening systems for health and preparing for new pandemics.

In addition, we must continue our work on Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH). In 2021, we updated our code of conduct for recipients of Global Fund grants and required strengthened provisions on PSEAH to be fully introduced into the organization’s operations. We also asked Principal Recipients to assign a PSEAH focal point through this letterdownload in English | Español | Français | Português ] . The Global Fund will be rolling out further work on this area and you will receive more information from your Country Team in the coming weeks.

As we enter 2023 and develop a new cycle of grants, we are at a critical juncture and the work of our partnership is crucial towards achieving our common 2030 goals. The new Global Fund strategy is aimed to support the achievement of these goals and we appreciate all the work you are already doing in preparing your applications while implementing current grants.

Thank you again for all your efforts. I hope to see many of you next year and look forward to working together in 2023.

Best regards,

Mark Edington
Head, Grant Management Division