Updated Emergency Fund Guidelines

The Global Fund Emergency Fund continues supporting eligible applicants sustain the provision and continuity of essential prevention, testing and treatment services for HIV, tuberculosis and malaria during emergency situations.  

As part of ongoing efforts to mitigate disruptions that certain emergency situations can have on essential health care services for three diseases, the Global Fund has updated its Guidelines on its Emergency Funddownload in English | Español | Français ] .  

The guidelines aim to support countries when reinvestment of existing Grant Funds is not possible or requires extended processing time and include the following updates:  

  • Updated definition of eligible emergencies to align with the revised approach of Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). 
  • Increased emphasis on the fact that funds from the Emergency Fund are channeled through existing grants and implemented by existing Principal Recipients and sub-recipients in a country.  
  • In exceptional circumstances when existing implementers are not able to undertake the Emergency Fund support, one of the international organizations pre-qualified by the Global Fund may be brought in as a new sub-recipient or under an existing grant or as PR.  
  • Clarifications on the role of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms in developing Emergency Fund requests. 
  • Streamlined review and approval process.  
  • Updated timelines for additional funding revision to integrate the Emergency Fund funding and to complete grant signing. 
  • The updated list of pre-qualified implementers. 
  • Enhanced procedural guidance and editorial clarifications.