CCM Evolution eLearning Course

The Global Fund has launched a new eLearning course for Country Coordination Mechanisms (CCMs), Principal Recipients (PRs) and Local Fund Agents (LFAs) to strengthen program implementation. The course consists of four modules corresponding to the CCM’s core responsibilities: operations, oversight, positioning and engagement. 

  • Module 1: CCM Operations. Well-functioning operations enable CCMs to perform their core duties. This module explains the roles of different stakeholders in carrying out operations, and the steps for evaluating CCM secretariats. 
  • Module 2: CCM Oversight. Oversight focuses on key financial, programmatic and management aspects of the grant portfolio and their contribution to the national health response. This module explains the concept of oversight and how CCMs can implement this core function. 
  • Module 3: CCM Positioning. Positioning refers to how CCMs find their optimal place in relation to decision-making in the broader health system. The module explains this key CCM function and the steps to implement it. 
  • Module 4: CCM Engagement. Under development (to be released in early 2023) 

The CCM Evolution course can be accessed in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese on the Global Fund iLearn platform.