Global Fund's Seventh Replenishment: How Can Implementing Countries Support?
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The campaign for the Seventh Replenishment is now fully underway. For the 2023-25 period, the Global Fund is asking for at least US$18 billion. This is the minimum required to get the world back on track towards ending HIV, TB, and malaria, to build resilient and sustainable health systems and strengthen pandemic preparedness, making the world more equitable and safer from future threats.
Implementing countries are invited to support the new Global Fund’s “Fight for What Counts” campaign for the Seventh Replenishment and also take further action as described below.
Fight for What Counts
To amplify our collective efforts for the Seventh Replenishment, please make use of the following resources below:
- Use our virtual photo booth to take a campaign selfie and share on social, tagging @globalfund and #FightForWhatCounts.
- Use our short films in your awareness raising events and presentations.
- Read and disseminate our community stories.
- Use our latest social media toolkit (to be released by mid-June) with wide range of social and media tiles with different photos and messages in English and French. Tag your Twitter and Instagram posts with #FightForWhatCounts, and they will appear on the campaign’s social media wall.
- Grab items and/or fill in message boards with your personal message when you see us at meetings. Then take a photo with those and share on social media tagging @globalfund and #FightForWhatCounts.
How Can Implementing Countries Support
The Global Fund's progress to protect the affected populations from HIV, TB, and malaria would not have been possible without the unwavering commitment of its global community of partners. Several scenarios are highlighted below to help strengthen the outcome of the Seventh Replenishment. Implementing partners are welcome to join forces in securing at least US$18 billion.
Implementing countries can:
- Work with partners across the country to make the case for the impact of the Global Fund, including by involving and amplifying the voices of communities and civil society.
- Seek opportunities to engage partners focusing on mobilizing national and regional resources for health, and secure commitments from domestic donors and contributions from the private sector.
- Share the Global Fund’s impact at the national and regional levels with other donors and partners; use our latest Fight for What Counts campaign resources to be informed about the Seventh Replenishment Investment Case.
- Write letters, appeal directly to donors and decision-makers.
- Engage key audiences, champions, and influencers using traditional and social media; to guide you, our latest social media toolkit will be made available in the middle of June.
- Participate in relevant panel discussions to increase knowledge sharing and awareness raising initiatives towards SDG3 and how the Seventh Replenishment Investment Case can help achieve it.
- Create opinion pieces for publications in reputable media outlets to emphasize the need for and demonstrate strong commitment to a successful Seventh Replenishment.