C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template

The C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Templatedownload in English | Español | Français ] is now available.

The reporting timelines for these products are set out in the C19RM Guidelines documentdownload in English | Español | Français ] . For more information, please contact your Country Team.

Originally published 03 September 2021

Principal Recipients are required to fill in the C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template and submit it to the Global Fund according to the timelines below.

High Impact and Core portfolios*: monthly reports submitted to the Global Fund no later than the 10th day of each calendar month of the Implementation Period.

Focused portfolios*: (a) for the health products procured through national sourcing channels no later than 10 January after the end of each calendar year of the Implementation Period. (b) For health products procured outside of the Pooled Procurement Mechanism, reports are to be submitted no later than the following quarterly dates of each calendar year of the Implementation Period: 10 January, 10 April, 10 July and 10 October respectively.

Read also: Accelerating Procurement of Approved Health Products under C19RM - COVID-19 Response Mechanism.


The C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template is designed to enable Principal Recipients to report information to the Global Fund Secretariat on: a) Strategic; b) Mainstream; and c) Local Sourcing Advised with Enhanced reporting health products financed with C19RM funds and procured outside the Global Fund’s Pooled Procurement Mechanism.

The new template captures information on award of contracts by implementers and fulfillment of delivery by suppliers under the approved purchased orders, which will help in consolidated reporting to the Global Fund Board.

The template can be used by Principal Recipients to centralize information on key C19RM-financed procurements and to monitor delivery timelines to ensure the timely supply of health products to the countries to help in their national COVID-19 responses.

The template has four worksheets with necessary instructions, scope of product required for reporting, a filled example and the template to be filled and submitted to the Global Fund by the designated dates. The reporting timelines for these products are set out in the C19RM Guidelinesdownload in English | Español | Français ] document.