TERG: Prospective Country Evaluation Synthesis Reports
As part of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group (TERG) 2017-2022 Evaluation, Prospective Country Evaluation (PCE) platforms were established in eight countries: Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, Mozambique, Myanmar, Senegal, Sudan and Uganda. The PCEs were in-depth, country-level, prospective evaluations that utilized a variety of methods to provide a detailed picture of implementation, effectiveness and impact of Global Fund grants in the selected countries. The goal of the PCEs was to generate ongoing evidence on program implementation in the selected countries in order to accelerate progress towards the Global Fund 2017-22 Strategy.
In addition to individual country reports, four PCE Synthesis Reports have been produced. The Synthesis Reports from 2018 and 2019 focus on the funding request and grant-making processes and the Global Fund business model. The 2020 Synthesis Report includes “deep dives” on specific issues for each country. Finally, the 2021 Synthesis Report, building on previous reports, examined the full grant cycle, through the lens of equity, RSSH and sustainability.
The TERG Position Paper for the 2021 PCE Synthesis Report and the Secretariat Management Response to this report are available for download, as well as the four PCE Synthesis Reports.
- PCE Extension Synthesis Report (with TERG position paper and Secretariat Management response)
- TERG Position Paper (on Synthesis reports 2018-2021)
- Secretariat Management Response (on Synthesis reports and Position Paper 2018-2021)
- PCE Synthesis Report 2021
- PCE Synthesis Report 2020
- PCE Synthesis Report 2019
- PCE Synthesis Report 2018