New C19RM Submission Window: 17 September 2021
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The COVID-19 Response Mechanism, C19RM, continues to be a funding opportunity to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. In recognition of exceptional circumstances that some countries are facing, the Global Fund Secretariat is opening a new window on 17 September 2021 responding to countries and partners’ requests for flexibility.
While we have opened a new window in September, we are still encouraging applicants to submit in the 16 July 2021 window. CCMs can work with Global Fund Country Teams to review the approach and feasibility of submitting robust and high-quality full funding requests in the July window. If applicants cannot submit in the July window but most of their full funding requests are ready, there is an opportunity to submit the C19RM Full Funding Request in two parts.
The first part can be submitted in the 16 July window and can include the elements of the full funding request that are ready for submission, including for HIV, TB and malaria mitigation and urgent investments in Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health and Community, Rights and Gender interventions.
The second part that includes more complex interventions, especially those for medium to longer-term outcomes including pandemic preparedness, can be submitted in the 17 September window.
The C19RM Fast-track modality remains available throughout this period, and countries are invited to submit Fast-track funding requests in July, August and September to address urgent needs and ensure critical COVID-19 commodities are made available, while finalizing their C19RM Full Funding Requests. Applicants may submit multiple Fast-track requests in line with individual country contexts, COVID-19 dynamics and programmatic needs to ensure they have additional time to develop robust C19RM Full Funding Requests, as needed.
Applicants can address questions to their Global Fund Country Teams.