Important Updates on C19RM Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products
The following documents have been updated and applicants to C19RM are requested to review them when preparing their funding request submissions.
Updated Health Product Segmentation Framework
The Health Product Segmentation Framework has been updated to reflect:
- Clarifications on reporting requirements for health products procured outside of PPM/wambo. The link to the C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template has been included.
- Removal of cold chain equipment for vaccine delivery that are not covered by the Global Fund, in alignment with the C19RM Technical Information Note.
- Clarification on compatibility of molecular test assays, extraction kits and amplification equipment.
- Clarifications on the distinction between optimal and limited use/specialized for some PPE.
Interim Quality Assurance Requirements
The Global Fund has published two new documents outlining interim quality assurance requirements for the procurement of COVID-19 medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
All COVID-19 Medical Devices are to be consistent with current national or institutional standard treatment guidelines or with the World Health Organization (WHO) treatment guidelines or guidance or information notes released by the Global Fund. Additional requirements apply to certain higher risk products, as described in the guidance.
All pharmaceutical products procured with Global Fund resources are to be compliant with:
- current national or institutional standard treatment guidelines or essential medicines list (“National or Institutional STGs or EML”); or
- the World Health Organization (WHO) Standard Treatment Guidelines or Essential Medicines List (“WHO STG or EML”); or
- any technical guidance, as stated in Section 3 of the Global Fund’s Quality Assurance Policy.
- For COVID-19 Pharmaceutical Products, they must also either be prequalified by WHO, authorized for use by a Stringent Regulatory Authority (as defined in the Global Fund’s Policy) or recommended for use by the Expert Review Panel.
These COVID-19 Pharmaceutical Products cure or prevent COVID-19 and are exclusive of essential medicines used for the management of patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. Although no such products are yet eligible for procurement, the QA requirements are in place in anticipation.
Updated Guide to Global Fund Policies on Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products
The Guide to Global Fund Policies on Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products [ download in English | Español | Français ] has been updated, in particular to incorporate the two interim QA requirements described above.
Purchasing COVID-19 Health Products with Domestic Funding Using is currently available to both Global Fund implementers using Global Fund resources and to governments and other eligible organizations using domestic or other donor funding that would like to secure products through the Pooled Procurement Mechanism and other procurement channels available through
Eligible buyers, regardless of funding source, have access to all products, services and functionalities in, including framework agreements for HIV and malaria products, in addition to certain TB and COVID-19 products.