C19RM: Key Health Product Management Updates

Health Products Inclusion under Base Allocation, Above Base Allocation and from C19RM 2020

C19RM applicants are required to include all health products requested for C19RM funding in the Health Product Management Template (HPMT), whether they are requested under the Base Allocation or the Above Base Allocation. 

Once the Global Fund makes a funding decision, Principal Recipients and Global Fund Country Teams will be required to update the submitted C19RM HPMT to reflect those health products that have been approved under the immediate award.

Updates to the HPMT will entail deleting those health products that haven’t been approved for funding or adding additional ones that have been approved from the Above Base Allocation request. The timeline for updating the template will be stipulated by the Country Team in collaboration with the Principal Recipient but a quick turnaround is expected. 

To indicate whether health products are to be included in the Base Allocation or the Above Base Allocation in the C19RM Full Funding Request, applicants can add comments in the following columns: 

  • Comments, 
  • C19RM 2021 Pharma, and 
  • C19RM 2021 Lab & Other HPs.

In addition, the Base Allocation and Above-Base Allocation distinction should also be made in the “Detailed Budget” tab, “Justification/Comment”, and included in the supporting quantification files to identify the health products requested. 

Uncommitted Funds and Financial Obligations from C19RM 2020.

Any health product-related uncommitted funds and financial obligations from C19RM 2020, such as orders pending delivery as at 30 June 2021, to be re-invested in health products in C19RM 2021 should be included in the HPMT and identified as “C19RM 2020” in the column “Comments”. The C19RM HPMT is to be aligned with the Detailed Budget template across appropriate cost categories. For more finance-related guidance, please refer to section 1.4 of the C19RM Guidelinesdownload in English | Español | Français ] . 

Important tips for using the Health Product Management Template (HPMT)

  • C19RM HPMT: Please use the latest version of C19RM HPMT on the Global Fund website. For additional guidance watch this video.
  • Procurement entity (modality) identification in the HPMT: the procurement modality information can be selected only at the product category level in the set-up worksheet. Please select the procurement modality representing the majority of the health products (in US$); please indicate in the column “Comments” in the worksheet when a lower-value health product within that category will be procured through another modality. For example, for Oxygen-related products, there might be a mix of procurement modalities necessary, as mentioned in the Health Products Segmentation Framework.