Ensuring Complete Submissions of C19RM Funding Requests: Screening Checklist
To support CCMs in the submission of fully complete C19RM Funding Requests, the Global Fund Secretariat is facilitating a Screening Checklist of documents.
As reviews cannot be initiated if a submission is incomplete, CCMs are requested to ensure that all mandatory documents are submitted with their C19RM Fast-Track and Full Funding Requests. Incomplete requests undermine the need to respond fast during an emergency response. For example, a delayed review hampers the possibility of ordering COVID-19 health commodities in an urgent manner.
Missing information on CCM endorsement has been a major factor in delays and some funding requests have not included the budget. Without a budget, or other mandatory documents, the secretariat cannot initiate the review. Incomplete submissions have resulted in delays of up to three weeks.
When submissions are complete the Global Fund can usually initiate the review within 2 to 3 days.