Infection Prevention and Control: Maximizing its Impact in C19RM Funding Requests

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed weaknesses in healthcare systems globally that threaten the lives of healthcare workers, patients, and the progress made in global health programs. Previous outbreaks such as the Ebola have highlighted the role that poor infection prevention and control (IPC) in healthcare facilities can have in propagating disease transmission both within healthcare facilities and across communities. Additionally, service disruptions due to healthcare-associated COVID-19 transmission has threatened the ability to provide care to people with HIV, TB and malaria and could increase deaths due to these illnesses.

The Global Fund has updated its COVID-19 Response Mechanism Technical Information Notedownload in English | Español | Français ] to include an important additional resource to support implementation of IPC activities at the national, sub-national and/or healthcare facility levels.

IPC is much more than Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  IPC is a specialized program requiring:

  1. technical expertise and experience at national, sub-national, and facility levels;
  2. program implementation approaches with monitoring and quality improvement;
  3. policies, budget, and commitment from leadership at all levels in the healthcare system; and,
  4. sufficient supply and appropriate use of commodities.  

As opportunities to strengthen health systems become available, it is important to carefully consider what activities should be prioritized for funding so that they result in resilient, self-sustaining programs after COVID-19.  

The four key steps and activities listed below are consistent with the WHO Minimum Requirements for IPC Programmes and the Global Fund’s C19RM Technical Information Note:

  1. Strengthen national and sub-national leadership in IPC
  2. Support facility-level human resources for IPC
  3. Implement facility-level IPC activities
    1. Implement administrative controls
    2. Implement environmental / engineering controls
    3. Personal protective equipment (PPE) and other IPC supplies
  4. Support IPC monitoring at healthcare facilities

For more information please see Annex 5 of the COVID-19 Response Mechanism Technical Information Note.