Latest lessons learned from the TRP

The Global Fund’s Technical Review Panel has released its latest Lessons Learned report from the 2020-2022 allocation cycle.

The report is based on a retrospective of 157 Funding Requests reviewed in 2020 amounting to US$ 11.34 billion in allocated funds, representing nearly 90 percent of allocated funds for the present cycle. The report also includes lessons learned from the TRP’s review of investment plans for 13 Strategic Initiativesdownload in English ] (SIs), representing US$191 million of catalytic funds.

The report includes thematic and cross-cutting lessons learned, as well as observations in HIV, TB, malaria, resilient and sustainable systems for health, human rights and gender, and strategic investment and sustainable financing.

Highlights from the executive summary are listed below. Download the reportdownload in English | Español | Français ] and learn more about the role of the Technical Review Panel.

From Allocation Funding Requests

  • The impact of COVID-19 on disease programs has been substantial, interrupting service delivery and reducing the scope of both health facility and community-based activities.
  • Overall, Funding Request submissions have been high quality. Of those reviewed, the TRP rated over 89 percent as good or very good.
  • Funding Requests showed increased attention to areas critical to Global Fund strategic objectives compared to the last cycle.
  • There is a need to move toward Funding Requests that are strategically focused on results and impact and that demonstrate continuous improvement in effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Greater focus is needed to ensure that evidence-based interventions are in place to respond to specific epidemiological contexts.

From Strategic Initiatives

  • Overall, Strategic Initiatives are well positioned to deliver against the Global Fund’s strategy and are well focused on Board-approved areas of investment.
  • A clear overall “theory of change” is needed to define the impact the Global Fund seeks and to drive the selection and development of programs.
  • There is opportunity to improve technical assistance, which is a key investment area.
  • More engagement with the TRP in Strategic Initiative reviews will enable the Secretariat to better leverage the TRP’s inputs.