Resources for Community-Based Monitoring
Community-based monitoring is one way of generating granular data to provide feedback to service providers and decision-makers to collaboratively solve barriers and bottlenecks to services and improve the quality of services. Examples of community-based monitoring models include community treatment observatories, human rights complaints mechanisms, and scorecards. Users and communities gather, analyze and use information to improve access to services, better target resources and address human rights and gender barriers.
The Global Fund supports community-based monitoring as it is an effective way to learn from communities on how to improve health services and respond to human rights and gender barriers to health.
Our new reports introduce community-based monitoring:
- Community-Based Monitoring: An Overview
download in English | Español | Français - Towards a Common Understanding of Community-based Monitoring and Advocacy
download in English
Our new video gives an overview and examples of community-based monitoring:
For more information on the role of communities in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria, see our Community Responses & Systems page.