Plan for Transition
The Global Fund proactively encourages and supports countries to plan for transition from Global Fund support, with the overall goal of maintaining and strengthening service coverage even after Global Fund support comes to an end.
A successful transition takes preparation and time. All eligible upper-middle income countries regardless of disease burden, and all lower-middle income countries with low or moderate disease burden, should begin to make or build upon transition preparations during the 2023-2025 allocation period.
Our 2023-2025 allocation period webinar series includes a session on sustainability and transition.
Learn more and register
The Global Fund has produced a list of country components projected to transition fully from Global Fund financing due to improvements in income classification, and based on current eligibility criteria. These projections are not intended as binding determinations or statements of Global Fund policy, but are provided as an additional resource to assist countries in preparing for transition.
- Projected Transitions from Global Fund Support
download in English
The Global Fund has also created guidance to assist countries in planning for the long-term sustainability of national HIV and TB responses, and for the eventual transition from Global Fund support.
- Guidance for Sustainability and Transition Assessments and Planning for National HIV and TB Responses
download in English | Español | Français
For more on our approach to preparation for transition, please see the Sustainability, Transition, and Co-Financing Guidance Note [ download in English | Español | Français ] .