PSEAH Requirements
Protection from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH) is a priority in the new Global Fund Strategy and is linked to the overarching principle of “do no harm”.
The Global Fund recognizes that one of the most effective means of addressing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment is to design protection programs that are cross-cutting. These protections make interventions and programs as “safe” as possible by ensuring there is adequate focus on “how” services are provided and accessed by the beneficiaries.
Find out more about the Global Fund’s approach to PSEAH
The Global Fund recommends that all applicants for grants identify program-related risk(s) of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment, and propose corresponding mitigation measures during the country dialogue used to develop the funding request.
Mitigation measures related to how the services are provided to, or accessed by, beneficiaries can be embedded within programs. It is also recommended to include information on sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in community awareness activities, such as outreach strategies, communication campaigns, trainings and other activities which target grant beneficiaries.
Applicants may use the SEAH Risk Assessment Tool included as an optional annex in the application package. Alternatively, applicants may use other equivalent tools and share the results. For more information, please see the Guidance Note on SEAH [ download in English | Español | Français | Português ] .