Advanced Grant-making
Early planning allows implementing countries to sign grants with enough time to ensure Principal Recipients (PRs) can start implementing grant activities on the start date of the implementation period. This is referred to as advanced grant-making.
Applicants can take part in advanced grant-making by engaging selected PRs early during country dialogue. The aim is to develop key funding request documents with the level of detail required during the grant-making stage of the process, ensuring that:
- The Performance Framework includes PR-specific coverage indicators and targets, including disaggregation where applicable, with a six-month reporting frequency (for High Impact and Core portfolios).
- The Detailed Budget includes PR-specific budget lines at the cost input level (for High Impact and Core portfolios), detailed assumptions to support accurate unit costs, and ringfenced sub-recipient budgets.
- The Health Product Management Template (HPMT) includes detailed assumptions to support accurate unit costs.
Advanced grant-making is strongly encouraged where the applicant has been selected for the Program Continuation application approach, or where the applicant has chosen to continue with the existing PR.
If you have any questions, please contact your Country Team.