Strategic Initiatives
Strategic initiatives support the success of country allocations through programs that cannot be funded through country grants. Funding levels and further information will be shared on this page, once available.
Below is a list of priority areas for Strategic Initiatives for the 2023-2025 allocation period:
- RSSH: Community engagement
- RSSH: Scaling-up programs to remove human rights- and gender-related barriers
- RSSH: Empowering regional reference laboratories and national diagnostic networks
- RSSH: Digital Health Accelerator
- RSSH: Effective community systems and responses that contribute to improved health outcomes, and equitable access to integrated people-centered quality services.
- RSSH: Equitable access to quality health products through innovation, partnership, and promoting sustainable sourcing and supply chains at global, national, and community levels (NextGen Market Shaping).
- RSSH: Health financing
- Emergency fund
Strategic initiatives documents
- 2023-2025 Strategic Initiatives
download in English - 2020-2022 Strategic Initiatives
download in English - 2017-2019 Strategic Initiatives
- Integrated Laboratory Systems Strengthening Catalytic Initiative Briefing Note
download in English | Français