Sources of Funding
At the beginning of every three-year funding cycle, the Global Fund informs eligible countries of their allocation of funding. The Global Fund calculates the allocation funding amount based on a country’s disease burden and economic capacity, taking into account important country-specific factors (country context).
See Allocation Funding for more information.
Catalytic investments
Catalytic investment priorities are a portion of available funding that has been set aside for programs and activities that are essential to achieve the aims of the Global Fund Strategy and partner plans, but not adequately provided through country allocations alone. Catalytic investments include:
Innovative Finance
The Global Fund connects countries with a range of partners – private sector investors, philanthropists, civil society organizations, and multilateral donors – to develop and implement practical, innovative finance mechanisms to increase the impact against the three diseases. These solutions complement government spending and amplify domestic health financing.
See Innovative Finance for more information.