Human Resources for Health and Community Systems
Human resources for health and community systems comprises one of five priority areas that underpin the transition of the COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) toward investments that strengthen health and community systems and pandemic preparedness.
Human Resources for Health
Global Fund investments can play a catalytic role in developing and strengthening human resources for health (HRH) in a sustainable and evidence-based manner. Funding can support interventions designed to:
- Optimize the health workforce to advance equitable access to integrated, people-centered services.
- Support improvements in HRH performance and quality of care through focused, evidence-based interventions.
- Strengthen integrated service delivery at primary health care and community levels, with a focus on services that underpin pandemic preparedness.
Community Systems Strengthening
Strong, well-planned and well-resourced community-led responses that integrate health equity, gender equality and human rights have proven to be critical in responding to disease outbreaks. Countries are encouraged to invest grant funds to support activities designed to strengthen community-level capacities to engage in pandemic preparedness processes and advance systems that support communities in responding effectively to outbreaks of diseases. Interventions should be informed by communities, and should focus on gaps in existing community systems as well as the priorities of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.
The C19RM Technical Information Note [ download in English | Español | Français ] outlines four community systems strengthening intervention areas that implementing countries are encouraged to prioritize:
- Community-led monitoring.
- Community-led research and advocacy.
- Capacity building and leadership development.
- Community engagement, linkages and coordination.